ZenmaX pro


ZenmaX pro  is  an alchemical fusion of Martial Arts (Taikiken, Taijiquan, Qigong and Mindfulness), Taoism and sustainable management and leadership concepts. In ZenmaX pro training, we use powerful metaphors to create a dynamic learning atmosphere. We focus on issues such as sustainability, personal effectiveness, team balancing, leadership and conflict management.

Working with people sometimes creates situations where employees have to deal with forms of bullying, irritation or other undesirable behavior.This irritation or unwanted behavior can begin orally: threaten, insult or offend. Then the conflict can escalate and lead to violence or other unwanted physical contact. It is important to use the acquired response techniques and controlled neutralization techniques to break any  physical contact as soon as possible.ZenmaX pro works from natural movements and instinctive reactions that are inherent in man by nature and highly useful and applicable to every conceivable conflict situation.

ZenmaX pro offers employees of companies and institutions unique mental and physical response courses. ZenmaX pro uses response concepts and principles to enrich your health and strength, spiritual, mental and physical. We practice with the most useful elements from different forms of martial arts, focusing on increasing your spiritual, mental and physical response.


In ZenmaX pro training and seminars we physically go to work with what we feel, how we analyze these feelings and how we act. We work with a broad range of concepts such as:

Round on the Outside,  Square on the Inside
Questions and attention Attention Giving
Reading the Air
Follow the feel
Action Reaction
Indicating boundariesdefending borders
Conflict management
Dealing with Resistance


We guide the participants / employees in their personal learning.
But you don’t have to go so deep into a ZenmaX pro training program! ZenmaX pro can also be booked as a welcome relaxing and refreshing intermezzo during an exhausting management session, or as a stand-alone comprehensive martial art workshop. No two organizations or companies are exactly the same; therefore, we provide customized training to meet your specific needs. ZenmaX pro helps you to get started with applying your feeling in all kinds of everyday situations and the workplace. ZenmaX pro is based on the principle that your consciousness must be present in your acting. Both during the meditative exercises in Flow motion, as in interactive sparring, indicating boundaries and defending borders.You will experience what it’s to move coordinated and natural and to be around on the outside and square on the inside.
Martial art makes you intensely aware of your position in the daily life and your interaction with your fellowmen. Martial arts training is challenging to do, with a completely different way of moving and thinking, refreshing and challenging.

After a ZenmaX pro training, you will feel recharged and refreshed .http://www.slideshare.net/MartriX/martrix-follow-thefeel

ZenmaX pro offers practical response training for personnel of companies and organizations outside the security industry like health care services, the transport sector  and government institutions.
For customized programs quote 

Made to measure quotation…..

© TheFeel 2013